Advanced sudoku techniques
Advanced sudoku techniques

advanced sudoku techniques

Whatever your Sudoku skill level, from beginner to advanced, you can enjoy a brain-boosting free online sudoku game anytime. Next, you can eliminate those numbers as possibilities from all other cells in the three rows or columns. To use this method, look for three rows or columns that each contain three cells with the same three possible numbers.

advanced sudoku techniques

Think of it like overlapping rectangles without the intersecting lines. Just like the x-wing method, the swordfish is used to eliminate a candidate from specific cells, but instead of using two rows or columns like the x-wing, the swordfish uses three rows or columns. Then, if you find an XY-Wing, you can eliminate the shared possible numbers from all other cells in the same row, column, or 3x3 box. To use this technique: look for three cells, A, B, and C, where A and B share two possible numbers, B and C share two possible numbers, and A and C share one possible number. For this method to work, parallel pairs of sides on the rectangle must have the candidate in exactly two spots. For example, it's used when you can spot a rectangle formed by a single candidate in your notations. This method is used to eliminate potential candidates for a specific cell. The two techniques shared below will be of interest to players who are ready to start tackling more difficult puzzles. So, while it may be tempting to guess which number goes where, you should use the process of elimination instead. However, there's a catch you can't repeat any number in a row, column, or square. The goal is to fill every row, column, and square on the grid with the numbers 1 through 9. Sudoku is a number puzzle game where you need to rely on your logic and process of elimination to succeed. Instead, use logic to eliminate possibilities and find the correct numbers.

advanced sudoku techniques


Therefore, for the best results in solving your puzzle, you should avoid guessing or using trial and error. The most important thing to remember is that Sudoku is a logic puzzle. For example, if you know that a number can only be in one row, column, or 3x3 box, you can eliminate that number as a possibility from all the other cells in that row, column, or 3x3 box. In this puzzle 6 is our 'fish digit' and rows 1, 6 and 9 are the base sets. To understand better, let's take a look at the example. 'Swordfish' is similar to X-wing but uses three sets of cells instead of two. It's usually applied in the hard levels of Sudoku puzzles to eliminate candidates. Use the process of elimination to help solve the puzzle. The 'Swordfish' technique is an advanced Sudoku strategy.When you find one, fill it in and continue searching for more. Next, look for numbers that appear only once in a row, column, or 3x3 box.When you find one, fill it in and then look for more.

advanced sudoku techniques

  • Start by looking for cells that contain only one possible number.
  • If you're new to the game, here are three basic strategies you can use to improve your solving skills: Start with the easiest puzzles on Mondays and see if you can make it all the way to the hardest ones on Sundays. Place numbers on the board such that each row, column, and nonet has one of each. Continue using logic and deduction until you have filled in all of the empty squares.The same rules as regular Sudoku apply. Every Sudoku has one solution, so double check by making sure each column, row and square contains the numbers 1-9 with no duplicates or omissions. Next, you can start scanning each row for a certain number, like 1, to see where it should go. Then look for single empty squares in each row and column that you can fill in. If you see a single empty space in a larger square, fill that in first. For example, if a square already has 7 out of the 9 spaces filled in, you can figure out which 2 numbers are missing and use the numbers in the correlating rows and columns to determine which of the two missing numbers belongs in each space. Some squares already have numbers filled in, so begin by look for missing numbers in a row, column or square. To complete the grid, every column, row and square (each containing 9 spaces) needs to be filled in with the numbers 1-9 without repeating any numbers within the row, column or square. The grid is divided into 9 separate 3 x 3 squares. Sudoku is a game played on a 9 x 9 grid where the object of the game is to fill every space with the correct number.

    Advanced sudoku techniques